Anunnaki Chanellings

Anunnaki Electric Motor
Anunnaki “Angel” collects Rays of Divine light and produces Math Symbol Pi from result of communion with higher power.
Enlil (God of Airspace) – Anunnaki depiction from Sumeria

Hello my name is GOSH I ANUNNAKI (of those who from Heaven came to Earth). I have had that sentiment since I discovered my ANTEKK Shebala (Antigravity) technology. I have not yet found my Hebats (Ladies of the skies) but do mostly date HAB [Horny Ass B1tch] & HAB&IT [Horny Ass Bitch & Instructional Trainer] women.

I do not seek to be a Kingu (Great Emissary) but rather am a reluctant and overworked messenger of Free Energy and Antigravity Technologies here on planet Earth as they are necessary to ensure this planet does not end up running a depletion and regard that they ought to be a decisive issue amongst Igigi (Those who see and observe) and am Gibil (one of fire) regarding their advocacy & proliferation. I may not be Enki (Lord of Earth) but am concerned that America acts like Enlil (Lord of Airspace), question whether the Whitehouse is worthy of Eanna (House of Anu) and am concerned about the potential externalities concerning their release. I regard Nergal (our great watcher) and the Anunnaki (those who from Heaven came to Earth) are looking down upon us from a higher plane of being and are ready to assist with our progress upon us self-resolving those of our problems that we are capable of and trust that even with the apparent obstacles these tekknologies impose, seek Sharaku (to give a present or offering).

I feel highly Edis (alone) in this matter and cannot claim to have Ni (an awesome Aura) in such circumstances and most days feel overwhelmed Nasu (to bear) much of the world’s problems due to lack of assistance. I regard the Shebala Tekk as a Duranki (bond between Heaven & Earth) during these perilous times. I am Mummu (one who was born) and though a Starseed do not claim to be Apsu (having existed from the beginning), but do regard I have come into contract with our Anunnaki watchers who Talamu (bestow upon) me many divine insights concerning proper governance of the planet. In particular I regard the prevalence of Free Energy to be Melammu (awe-inspiring luminosity) and prerequisite to our future endurance on planet Earth, and have granted us even a Margidda (celestial chariot) so that we will Mul (shine in the heights) as Galactic Mare Ali (Citizens).

I am a strong believer in the reinstatement of Nanda Umisam (Geoism) upon planet Earth and am a Geolibertarian in terms of my political view. I trust that we must adopt this system on Planet Earth so that we may Ikinnu (be established) and be Malasu (considered equal) as Eribu (those who enter) the heavens must first Belu (extinguish) all forms of systemic iniquity and obey the requirements of our Charter, and have a plan Daku (to be executed).

The media, now as always, is filled with Adaru (fear) and yet I may possess an Igisum (Gift) for creating humour where there was formerly despair and seek to be a force for Damiq (Good). I may not be fully Anzu (one who knows the heavens) but do possess confidence that I can facilitate an interstellar integration with the help of God. I seek to be Resussun (assistance) to the Anunnaki if it is the will of Baraggal (Holy of Holies) but am not for Aguru (hire). I am also concerned that this pursuit may return me to Esharra but it is a risk I am prepared to take for the sake of this Kuan (opening of the heavens) as we Nagiru (herald) a New Golden Age. The Zikru (idea) is to leave behind the systems it will take to transform Humanity into Namlugallu and then return to Eridu (home in the faraway), beyond this planet for the sake of Ankida (joining of the heaven & Earth) and procurement of new planets to fulfill Earth’s needs for expansion as I am Mudu (one who knows) about the needs of this planet and yet don’t claim to be in possession of Immaru (light) on all matters.

The Anunnaki have the capacity to act as our Heavenly Hosts, even offering Ziana (Heavenly Life) and have been our guides throughout the ages. What a disgrace to see them shot off the porch like poachers at a time they come to liberate & illuminate and yet this is not a Dinum (law case). I seek to restore some of the lost Mudutu (knowledge) and clarify the intent of our heavenly overseers as they should be regarded, and hope to Baraqu (strike with lightning) the establishment and it’s deeply held dogmatic assumptions regarding many matters including our need to honour Titaan (those who in heaven live) by obeying the decrees of our Charter which, if obeyed, would bring about great Ulmash (luxury).

As a Rakbu (messenger) I am here to remind humanity that about 1/2 of the Gold on Earth is Anbar (heavenly metal); a remnant from the bestowal of our charter monument, The Great Pyramid of Giza. My we have deviated far from the teachings of our watchers and seem excessively Allik (on the warmarch) and without wisdom or sound cause. As a Zikar (male) I would have sought to spread my seed if the economy was not 6/7 undeclared; comparing only the addition of the undeclared oil reserves with the size of our declared economy. I do not even seek to be an Ensi (Righteous Ruler) on these matters but rather perceive that what I am doing is merely necessary and Parasu (render a decision) that acts as an intersection point between a fallen humanity and those who seek to assist us from above at a time there is a lack of adequate leadership here. The passing of NESARA / GESARA would make me Hadu (Rejoice) and have Barag (Peace of Mind) and the planet Baltu (Splendor) and is something I would like to Dalahu (stir up) support for.

It has been about 5000 years since our period of Kanasu (subdual) and yet would our leaders not need to be subdued to even ensure everyone on this planet can be properly fed and looked after?; there truly is enough, just hoarded in high places. Even if we were to receive such a thing what is to be the Rabu (substitute) for the system we have now if this knowledge is not returned to the people? Free Energy may have more potential than Utu (The power in the Sun) and this technology has been withheld from the public for too long now. It is a matter of financial Bubutu (sustenance) at a time Phony Reserve Banking has settled upon quantitative easing as a solution to the world’s economic woes. I wait upon the Adannu (appointed time) to return this knowledge; endorsed by technology to the people. I seek Epesu (to treat) them to something they will enjoy enduringly and remain La Magiri (unsubmissive) to the Illuminati Bank Cartel [ see ownership ] that has printed this generation and future ones out of a future without intervention. I await Litum (Victory) of the Nuru (Light).

Gosh I Anunnaki
Peterborough, Ontario

June 12, 2020

Mesopotamian Miniature cylinder imprints of Anunnaki Margidda (Celestial Chariot)
Gyroscopic Antigravity Prototype by ANTEKK

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